
I previously wrote a poston enabling Powershell Remoting over HTTPS. This has led to be carrying out a little more investigation on the security and certification considerations. For example, when creating the HTTPS listener the thumbprint is specified, but what happens when the certificate is renewed and the thumbprint changes? As a quick recap, we
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Up until now I’ve written most of my Powershell scripts to run sequentially; query one machine, then the next, then the one after. Depending on the task at hand and / or the number of machines this can take a serious amount of time. Enter parallelism. Jobs, Runspaces etc are concepts that I have been
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Further Reading: I wrote a follow up article called Powershell Remoting where I look at what happens when the certificate renews or gets deleted. The outcome is not what you’d think! If you are going to use the View PowerCLI Cmdlets then enabling and using Powershell Remoting makes it a whole lot more accessible, otherwise you have to
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iLO Power Settings & Powershell Scripting

As part of routine checks of the environment some rather unusual results were seen in the DRS Resource Distribution chart. The chart was suggesting that the full performance wasn’t being delivered to the VMs. It was thought that this was probably an issue at the host level and a colleague suggested checking the power settings
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Recently the client that I’m working with has been experiencing a number of issues around vMotion. The initial advice from VMware was to ensure they weren’t falling foul of a known issue with the HP AMS agent. KB2085618 – look out for the “can’t fork” message when logging into the ESXi Shell. Here is a quick
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If you’ve just received one of Virgin Media’s Super Hubs and you’re having trouble switching the local LAN IP subnet to 192.168.1.X (you get a cable modem ip conflict messsage), try the following: Connect to the hub using a wired connection and turn off the 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless networks After the reboot, under  Advanced
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In part 1 we set up the App-V 5 client for Reporting and had a look at some of the settings for on the server side for App-V Reporting. In part 2 I want to show two ways of querying the reporting data so that information can become useful. With little SQL knowledge you can
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SQL Agent Reporting Job

After the release of App-V 5.0, one of the first features I wanted to check out was the reporting.  In App-V 4.x it wasn’t particularly accessible and therefore was left generally unused.  The App-V dashboard improved things somewhat, but still, I’m not sure how widely that was implemented. If you’ve carried out an installation or
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